The Courtesy Of A Reply Is Requested

Our Women’s Group, The Womens Council, has developed a habit of replying to all Calls to Action and Follow Up emails with a simple “Got it.”

Sometimes we mention that the number of emails is becoming overwhelming. (Perhaps we have a lot to say that week!) But we continue to “Got it.”

There are several reasons for this simple acknowledgement.

The first and most important is that the internet can be a little temperamental, and these emails concern scheduling and content. The acknowledgement confirms receipt of necessary information.

Simple common sense. Also efficient!

The second, and important to me, is that it is, in fact, courteous to acknowledge a note, invitation, request, or other such communication. And for some reason, simple courtesy has somehow flown right out of people’s communication practices in recent years.

It can’t be that we don’t know how to reply – there is a “No, Thank You,” as well as a “Yes, Thank You,” in the English language. And since the English language is largely derived from other languages, I will carefully assume that both responses are present in other languages as well.

Oh! I should interject here, that I am guilty of the same discourteous behavior at times!

How many times have you sent out another email, or left a voice mail, or made a phone call, to follow up with an invitation that you made, but didn’t hear back?

Okay, let’s up the ante. How many times have you gotten angry or frustrated because someone ignored your correspondence, and called them to task for it? And found out that they never got the correspondence in the first place, which made you feel like a chump and a fool?

How many times has an argument erupted about something that someone assumed you knew about, but you never “got the message?”

Ah. Yes, it’s all about the communication, isn’t it? And simple courtesy is a wonderful form of communication!

So here is my commitment; from now on I will diligently attempt to respond courteously, with a confirmation of receipt, to communications which I receive. I will not make a practice of writing a book as said response, but even if I am busy, I will certainly attempt to let the correspondent know that I have received the message.

And, before I waste a ton of energy getting all hot and bothered about someone ignoring me, I think I will verify that the message has been received!

P.S. – this does not apply to spam or junk mail offers!

Will you join me in this simple courtesy? There is always room for courtesy in the world!

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