Viggo Mortensen And I Have Something In Common!

“You don’t have to make something that people call art. Living is an artistic activity, there is an art to getting through the day.” Viggo Mortensen

When I logged on to Instagram, his page was at the top of suggestions to follow. I have always really liked him, even in the movies I didn’t like, and the roles he played that I didn’t like. So, I followed him on Instagram. And that quote is one of his posts.

I say it a lot more simply (of course.) “Everybody is an artist. You just have to recognize your medium.” Sometimes it’s oil, sometimes watercolor. Sometimes clay, sometimes music. Sometimes it’s shoveling shit, sometimes it’s cleaning house or doing dishes. Sometimes it’s running heavy equipment (yes, I have witnessed this!) Sometimes, it’s supervising a classroom (I think they call it “teaching.”)

Me? I’m kind of a renaissance girl, which is fine – I call it jack of all trades, master of none, in the purist, not sarcastic sense – but if I had to blurt out what I do best, it would be balancing a bank statement. Reconciling cash. You don’t think it’s art? Tell that to the people who have, in total exasperation, plopped down a pile in front of me and screamed for assistance. And, a few minutes later, asked me, “How do you DO that?”

Is it glamorous? I don’t think so. I don’t think anyone is going to nominate me to audition on America’s Got Talent. (And if you do, I will graciously decline, thanks.)

I have a friend who can walk into chaos in a household, and within 15 minutes has restored order and prepared a meal, even if she’s never been in the house. I know, I witnessed that, too. It was magic. It IS art.

The heavy equipment operator? I watched him run a backhoe on a job site. I was mesmerized. It was like watching a ballet. I swear! The bucket was an extension of his arm. Who woulda thunk? And it was even more impactful when viewed in comparison to other operators – good operators! – just not artists.

When I first got my horse, I boarded him at the place where I bought him. I cleaned stalls on the weekend to help defray the cost of board. The gal who cleaned the barn during the week was incredible. If we cleaned stalls side by side, hers was done sooner, looked cleaner, and I was much more tired at the end of my shift than she ever was at the end of hers. Watching her move apparently effortlessly through her work, a smile on her face, carrying on light conversation as she worked – that was art.

Everybody is an artist. Find your medium.

One Reply to “Viggo Mortensen And I Have Something In Common!”

  1. This is such a wonderful way to look at the gifts that everyone have to offer. We may not realize it, or know exactly what it is, but others do and see and appreciate what we have to offer. Our lives are our canvas. What medium we choose to use or use best, who knows!? Just as long as we do it!!

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