A Case Of Mistaken Identity

I believe that we are each born with unique gifts to contribute to the glory of our existence. Our existence as represented by what we experience as earth, our lives, that time we think we own between being born and dying.
These gifts, or talents if you will, are meant to be shared with all who come into our consciousness. And those who come into our consciousness are sharing their gifts with us.
It looks like a big jigsaw puzzle in my mind, with each piece having its own unique place in the whole. Have you ever done a jigsaw puzzle, and gotten it all put together and there’s a piece missing? How does that feel? Pretty discouraging, eh? And then, all of a sudden, you see the piece, which was camouflaged by the puzzle itself. You pick it up, pop it in its place and – Ahhh….. Relief! Success! Complete!
Sometimes I imagine that’s how God, or whatever you call the Force of Nature, feels as He watches us struggle in life. Here we are, each of us with the most incredible, unimaginably beautiful gifts to share, thinking we are not good enough? Broke? Sick? Bad? Criminal? Failures?
Well, I’ve got news for you, if you’d like to hear it.

We are all born with a unique gift to contribute to the world.

Every. Single. One. Of. Us.

No matter what you think you are, there are no exceptions to the rule.

And if you don’t believe that, and you are not experiencing that, you are simply suffering from a Case of Mistaken Identity.

Look in the mirror. Face yourself. If you don’t see the gifts you bear, then simply state to yourself, “I was suffering from a case of mistaken identity, and I am suffering no more.”
Every time you feel of twinge of doubt, whether it be in finance, health, relationship, security, whatever, if it doesn’t feel like expressing your unique gift to the world, repeat the statement, and then know that you are an integral piece of the puzzle, with a gift to share. If you steadfastly hold to that, you will actually begin to see that gift more clearly. You will begin to see your place in the greater scheme of things. Not to fail, but to hugely succeed, to contribute to that beautiful whole.
We didn’t ‘come’ here to do damage, to suffer, to hurt ourselves or others. We ‘came’ here to complete the puzzle. So did everyone else. If we hurt, in any way, shape or form, we are simply suffering from a case of mistaken identity.

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