Stop, Look, and Listen – Then What?

I am participating in a 28 Day Shift program called The 28 Day Shift To Wealth, by Beca Lewis. It is a wonderful program for me; because I love the daily bite of perception Shifting that keeps me on track for the rest of the day. Five or ten minutes of pushing the “reset switch” on my point of view, and I have a better chance of staying in the proper state of mind for the rest of the day.

More than five or ten minutes, every day, my attention starts to wander. Sundays are my day for hours and hours of Shifting, luxuriating in the Wonder of it all. Hence, the Sunday Morning Sermon. (I digress – my apologies. Back to the point.)

I am currently on Day Ten. Day Ten focuses on Angel Ideas. Day Ten focuses on how to tell the difference between Angel Ideas and thoughts. Here is what I noticed this morning during my reading.
We have a tool that Del and Beca taught us in The Shift – it is called POL. Pause, Observe, Listen. Rather like Stop, Look, and Listen that Dick and Jane taught us as children (well, some of us, anyway! I hear Dick and Jane have been replaced in kindergarten and 1st grade.)

So here’s the deal – what if we walk up the sidewalk to the street crossing and Stop, Look, and Listen? What if we stand there and Stop, Look, and Listen? What if we stay there? How does that work? Yes, we have paid attention. Yes, we have observed. Yes, we have listened for oncoming traffic. Well, once we pause, look both ways, and listen for oncoming traffic, aren’t we supposed to do something with that? As in, cross the street safely? Wasn’t that the purpose of that particular instance of Stop, Look, and Listen?

There is an additional word at the end of POL and Stop, Look, and Listen. ACT. Angel Ideas, and the A in WEALTH, stand for Action. In the assignment, Beca says, “…You are also writing how you feel about each Angel Idea or thought…” That’s the key, I think. The Action required is to observe how you feel about each Angel Idea or thought, which will identify which one it is, and which will Allow you to follow through with the appropriate Action. Or not. The key, for me, is how I feel about that idea or thought.

Which means, I had an idea; I wasn’t sure whether it was an Angel Idea or a thought; I Paused, Observed how I felt about that idea, I Listened for my knee jerk reaction, and realized that it is an Angel Idea, and I took Action by writing about it!

If you are interested in reading The 28 Day Shift to Wealth, go here.

The Joy of the Simple Detail

Today I recalled a couple of sections in the In Her Name series.

Point of information, when I read a powerful story, sometimes it sticks with me for days and I have a hard time coming back to my own story, instead continuing on in THAT story. I’ve decided to allow the distraction rather than combat the feeling, choosing to learn from the story – earn what I learn, so to speak!

In this particular part of the story, the hero is not living in his chosen world, but back in his birth world. One of his close friends observes how much care he takes in his daily dress – not the care of choosing, but the care of dressing. His are the garments of his chosen world, which he has brought with him, and no one dares deprive him of them.

As he dressed, one paragraph said, he enjoyed it so much that he would sometimes remove the body shirt and put it on again, just to feel the joy of slipping on the garment. And later, much later in the book, his friend recalls how much care and pleasure he took in dressing, and spends time enjoying the feel of her high quality garments that she is wearing in honor of herself, her service, and him.

It sticks with me. So that’s what I’m going to do today. A form of Being Present. I am going to enjoy the beauty of the feelings and sensations that I have, because if I weren’t meant to enjoy them, I wouldn’t have them.

Be Present, folks, and Enjoy what is all around you!

That’s just Clear, Simple, Common Sense.